I FIND it incredible that a leading York GP would actually state a person needing urgent attention has a “huge expectation” if they wish to see a doctor that day.

If someone is seriously unwell it is not at all an unreasonable expectation. Any half decent practice should be able to prioritise genuine urgent cases.

A friend of mine returned very poorly from abroad last year with limited hearing and vision. She was told she might be able to get an appointment to see her doctor after a couple of weeks. Sadly, she never did see her GP. She died in York hospital a month later.

Seeing her GP on day one would not have altered the final outcome but the anguish and trauma suffered by herself and her family waiting for some kind of medical appraisal would have been considerably reduced.

Anything that can be done to improve GP services and avoid these situations in future should be welcomed rather than dismissed as expecting too much.

Matthew Laverack,

Lord Mayors Walk,



Worse is to come

SADLY and predictably our economy is now out of control and unfortunately for the government this cannot be blamed on the EU or Russia but firmly and squarely on an incompetent ideologically wrong British government.

The former chancellor predicted such events resulting from fantasy economics but an ultra tiny bunch of Tories didn’t agree and so we are lumbered with an even worse PM than the last one for whom the vast majority did not have the opportunity to vote. The cost of living crisis has migrated to pandemic proportions as a result with millions facing massive rises in energy, food, mortgage costs let alone the associated mental stress.

There are already over four million people in poverty in this country, sadly that figure will at least double in the next few months.

John D Brian,

Moorfield Way,
