“How do you put an experience like The Mount into words?”

A question asked by Abi, as she prepared to say goodbye to The Mount School at the end of Sixth Form.

“I first came to The Mount when I was three years old. That’s 15 years ago. 15 years that I have spent making memories that I will cherish forever.”

The Mount School experience begins for girls from age three. Their learning journey starts in Junior School. The school’s cross-curricular Explore, Discover, Create Creative Curriculum provides girls with opportunities to explore their natural curiosity and discover their own mind. Smaller classes mean teachers can provide girls with the independence to reflect, consolidate and transfer their learning in a way that suits each individual.  

York Press: "Everyone belongs, and everyone has the courage to be unashamedly themselves,”"Everyone belongs, and everyone has the courage to be unashamedly themselves,” (Image: The Mount School)

Topics culminate in a Thinking Adventure. Pupils have enjoyed hosting a Rio Carnival and embarking on a Mission to Mars. They relish this opportunity to share their learning experiences, one family with three daughters found it fascinating at dinnertime to hear each girl contribute to conversations on the ancient Mayans!  

Girls at The Mount benefit from a curriculum and care tailored to suit their needs. At The Mount School, every girl is valued, enabled to flourish, and given the confidence to know they can.

York Press: Older girls are superb role models, demonstrating a can-do attitudeOlder girls are superb role models, demonstrating a can-do attitude (Image: Mount School York)

"I am so thankful to The Mount for encouraging us all to be ourselves and for accepting us all for who we are,” continues Abi. 

Pupils across the whole school frequently come together, providing opportunities to mix across year groups, build friendships based on interests and maturity, and learn to relate with people of all ages. Older girls are superb role models, demonstrating a can-do attitude. 

“The community and lifelong friendships made at the school is unparalleled. There are no outsiders to our community, everyone belongs, and everyone has the courage to be unashamedly themselves,” adds Lily, another Year 13 Leaver. 

Underpinned by the school’s Quaker ethos, girls learn to respect and value every individual leading to an inclusive and compassionate community. 

York Press: Girls at The Mount benefit from a curriculum and care tailored to suit their needsGirls at The Mount benefit from a curriculum and care tailored to suit their needs (Image: The Mount School York)

The Mount School has large ambitions for their girls. Girls leave The Mount intellectually curious, emotionally confident, and socially responsible, with a lifelong love of learning and ambitious aspirations! 

“I am a real advocate for The Mount School as I recognise how it has shaped me so much as a person.

"I have gained determination, personality, a wonderful education, and most of all confidence. I will sincerely miss The Mount. It has not only been a school, but it has also been my home,” conclude Abi.

The Mount School’s next Open Day takes place on Saturday, October 8, 10am-1pm.

Visit mountschoolyork.co.uk to register your place.