Work is pressing ahead with the Clifton Ings Barrier Project, which aims to reduce the risk of flooding to 2000 homes in Clifton and Rawcliffe.

The Environment Agency has applied to City of York Council to erect a power supply kiosk on allotments at Shipton Road, Rawcliffe, as part of the scheme.

The application to City of York Council says Clifton Ings Barrier Bank project was approved in September 2019, and is one of the 19 projects that will deliver the York Flood Alleviation Scheme.

The bank project will see modifications, realignment and raising of the existing Barrier Bank earth embankment and extensions of the defences to the northern and southern extents, and the installation of a new pumping station and kiosk. There would also be modifications to the Sustrans network and compensatory habitat creation and landscape mitigation.

Just 16m2 will be used for the kiosk, which will enable Northern Power Grid to offer a new low-voltage connection to their distribution for a new permanent electrical supply as part of the approved Clifton Ings Barrier Bank Project.

The kiosk works are due to start in February 2023, taking two weeks to complete, with the power supply activated in April 2023.

To find out more about the Clifton Ings Barrier Bank scheme or the York Flood Alleviation Scheme in general, you can: email:

Alternatively click here York Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) Information page - Environment Agency - Citizen Space (