What is billed as North Yorkshire’s biggest ever consultation exercise starts this month.

The aim is to collate thousands of views of the county’s residents and businesses to help with decision-making and policies when a new merged council starts next spring.

County Council leader Cllr Carl Les, who will also head the new North Yorkshire Council, when it is launched on April 1, says the Let’s Talk campaign is key to helping draw up a detailed vision for the new authority.

It will also identify people’s priorities for spending on services on a local level ranging from social care and education to waste collection, recycling and highways maintenance.

Cllr Les said: “It is vital we engage with the public to help shape exactly how the new council will operate, and this biggest ever conversation in North Yorkshire will be the way in which we can glean people’s views.”

The Let’s Talk campaign will launch on Monday September 19, and will run until Friday, December 23.

The first topic will be focused on the new council’s commitment to serving communities on a local level, featuring staff touring the county seeking public comment.

To comment, go to: Let's Talk North Yorkshire | North Yorkshire County Council