A PRIMARY school in York is helping to promote the use and awareness of Makaton signage in Clifton and Rawcliffe.

Kath Liddell, a teaching assistant at Clifton with Rawcliffe Primary School, has been working throughout the school summer holidays to promote the use of Makaton signage.

Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols and signs to support people who has issues with their speech, to enable them to communicate better in everyday life.

She has been out and about in the Clifton and Rawcliffe area sharing signs and symbols with shops, libraries, hairdressers, cafes, and supermarkets, among other businesses to display in their their windows and premises.

Pictured above are five businesses who have displayed Kath's signage - the fish and chip shop and hairdressers on Eastholme Drive, pharmacy at Tower Court, Clifton Moor, and the Tesco and Aldi at Clifton Moor.

Kath said: “Being able to communicate is one of the most important skills we need in life. Almost everything we do involves communication, making friends, asking for things, learning at school, they all rely on our ability to communicate.

“As a school we are passionate about achieving Makaton friendly status as we understand that different people communicate in different ways. We want to provide a supportive and welcoming environment so that people who have learning or communication difficulties can access learning in school and take part in all activities that the school has to offer.

“Many of our staff have been trained in Makaton and we are all passionate about the benefits Makaton offers to all our students.

Makaton is often used to support both adults and children on the Autism spectrum, with a cleft lip and palate, developmental language disorders, Down’s syndrome, and verbal dyspraxia.