One thing we can always depend on is a common sense letter from Matthew Laverack.

He wrote recently, (Letters, August 15) about the senseless closure of New Earswick Bowls Centre, yet another leisure and amenity loss to our community. Think back over the last 20 years. How many sports fields we have lost? I agree wholeheartedly with him.

However, I don’t recall Mr Laverack making a comment about the closure of Leeman Road. May I invite his comments?

In fact, there have not been many letters on the subject at all.

Why does no one worry about losing more and more of our city to tourism? Or about the traffic impact on remaining roads like Clifton, Bootham and Poppleton Road which will be overwhelmed when Leeman Road is closed?

How will Park and Ride buses and Royal Mail on Leeman Road operate?

Stuart Wilson, Vesper Drive, Acomb