A LARGE digital advertising sign 6.4m wide and 3.4m high has been refused by York planners as the distraction would cause accidents.

Vivid Outdoor Media Solutions sought to erect the mounted sign on the former Bumper Castle Site on Wiggington Road by Clifton Moor Gate, currently occupied by a car dealer.

City of York Council Planners said they ‘understood’ the signs would be used for external advertising, not just the car sales business.

City of York Highways opposed the scheme, saying the signs would be ‘particularly distracting’ and would increase the likelihood of accidents.

Clifton Without Parish Council agreed: “The signs would be dangerous to drivers, non-sustainable and harmful to the area.”

Council planning staff noted the sign would be mounted on support legs 2.5m high, giving a total height for the stricture of 5.9m, with it 3.4m wide. The lighting would also be bright.

“The size and design of the advertisements would appear as entirely incongruous with its surroundings and would be harmful to the general sense of openness and the semi-rural character.”

“The size, prominence and location of the proposed sign would be likely to distract motorists and increase the risk of collisions, particularly rear end shunts.”

They concluded: “It is recommended that advertisement consent be refused due to impacts on visual amenity and highway safety.”