JOSEPH Rowntree must be spinning in his grave.

When New Earswick was built as a modern "garden village” for Rowntree workers he recognised it needed more than just houses; that a Folk Hall and other facilities (except of course a pub) were essential for it to be a genuine thriving community.

So demolishing an established and well loved sports and social club for the sake of just 30 more dwellings doesn’t accord with the ideals of the great philanthropic industrialist.

This is another example of a waste of good assets. Perfectly sound buildings which are generating an income as well as providing leisure facilities are being swept away without a regard for their true value.

There are land allocations coming forward in the Local Plan that can be utilised to increase both private and social housing.

It makes no sense to destroy something that will be very difficult and very costly to replace.

Matthew Laverack,


Lord Mayors Walk,
