Will Councillor Chris Cullwick explain to the residents of Leeman Road (and regular users of the route) why such an important item as the closure of Leeman Road was moved from the first item on the planning agenda to the last? (Rail Museum Scheme gets green light, August 6).

Was Cllr Cullwick aware that Cllr Jonny Crawshaw had to leave early and so would have been unable to vote against the motion? Had the item not been moved to the and of the meeting Cllr Cullwick’s casting vote in favour of the motion would not have been needed and the motion to close such an important route for so many people would have been beaten.

Do councillors who voted for this motion not realise that the traffic that normally use this route will be diverted to routes already gridlocked at peak times, such as Bootham and Holgate Road?

A.P.Cox, Holgate, York



...Cllr Chris Cullwick should hold his head in shame. 

Why do the citizens of York not count, and why are our views totally disregarded? 

Pedestrians wanting to get from the area west of Leeman Road into the city centre in future via the NRM may have their bags searched and will only be able to get access at times when the NRM dictate.

When did this country become a dictatorship? The old saying money talks is very true!

Katrina Brown, Burnholme Drive


...So the Railway Museum scheme has got the green light, with not even a ‘proceed with caution’.

The NRM is an outstanding museum and one of York’s ‘crown jewels’, even though externally the artist’s impression seems to hint at an inter-war London Underground station. However, I feel for inconvenienced and put-upon local residents. Shed a teardrop for them! Amazing that their fears and objections couldn’t be allayed. Do any readers feel that even now there might still be a mutually satisfactory solution out there?

Derek Reed, Middlethorpe Drive, York