YORK CBD company HempWell paid a visit to St Edward’s Church in Dringhouses to give a presentation to members of the Oddfellows society. 

The company, based at York science park "wanted to make sure York's senior populations were properly informed on the ways in which CBD can help with joint/arthritis pain and really help those golden years shine".

Directors Lisa McWilliams and Philip James, plus operations manager Luke Stone gave their talk on July 23.

The trio said CBD can be ‘a brilliant way’ to relieve joint and muscle pain and their award-winning Deep-Relief cream has helped countless customers manage their pain well.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is an organic compound found in the hemp plant. Unlike its illegal cousin THC, CBD is legal and widely available in many forms in the UK. Many use it to help treat symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

The HempWell team says using CBD is a much healthier alternative to standard opioid painkillers, while also promoting environmental wellbeing. 

HempWell Ltd is York's only CBD company and has recently opened a new location in Leeds.