Plans are moving forward for a major community woodland a few miles west of York.

Forestry England, which took over management of the scheme a year ago, is seeking vehicle access, car parking and a trail on 3.1ha of the proposed woodland between Rufforth and Knapton.

The move follows the government agency gaining responsibility for the site from City of York Council, who bought the land at Knapton Moor and Wetherby Road, Rufforth, in 2020.

A planning application to City of York Council said: “The purpose of this land purchase was to create a significant new community woodland for the city delivering a wide range of social, environmental, and economic benefits.

“The proposal also includes the construction of a car park and all ability trail as part of the Queens Green Canopy project. This will be used in the future when the site is opened to the public.”

At present, the 76ha site is currently a meadow with tree planting on it carried out by the council and Forestry England as part of the Queens Green Canopy. There currently is no public access.

If approved, the application says when complete there would be 15 parking spaces, with three ‘all ability’ spaces, and the trail running through the Queens Green Canopy avenue of trees from the car park.

The car park would include knee rail fencing and a small “swale and bund” to ensure vehicles can not access the rest of the site from the car park.

The application comes as the woodland aims to contain 50,000 trees by spring 2023, eventually increasing to 210,000 trees, one for every resident of York.

A year ago, City of York Council signed an agreement with Forestry England for it to create and manage the forest for up to 120 years, for which the council would receive rental income.

The project aims to boast health and wellbeing benefits as well as promote green jobs and increase local biodiversity.

Future plans include cycle paths, play areas, sensory gardens, wooded areas, wildflower meadow, a cafe, commercial area and a forestry school.

A website Forestry England created to promote the community woodland said: “The site, near the village of Knapton to the west of York, will be transformed into a beautiful, interactive woodland for the people of York to explore and enjoy, providing health and wellbeing benefits for all.

“Once established, it will help nature recover across the wider landscape, providing habitat for valuable wildlife and helping to store carbon, alleviate soil erosion and prevent flooding.

"This woodland will be an important part of the work we’re doing expanding the nation’s forests over the next five years and will be delivered by the Government’s Nature for Climate Fund.”