THIEVES have struck at two homes in a York suburb. 

North Yorkshire Police say that there were two burglary incidents in Clifton overnight on Sunday (July 31).

At one property they didn't get in, but caused damage and at another property items were stolen after they got in through an unlocked door. 

PCSO Justin Piercy said: "Please ensure that all doors are locked overnight and windows are locked or on a latch.

"Please also remove any valuables from sight and it is advisable to keep house/cars key, wallets/purses, phones/laptops/tablets in the room where you sleep.

"Your local police team are aware and have the area on their patrol plan. 

"If you experience any issues in the area we would be grateful if you could please let us know. If the issue is still ongoing please contact us on tel: 999 emergency or 101 non emergency, if not ongoing."

"If you need any crime prevention or security advice please use this link

If you need to speak with a local officer for advice, you can also contact your local Neighbourhood Police Team directly on"