A HOSPICE in North Yorkshire has received a £1,000 donation following a successful sporting event at a local rugby club.

Saint Catherine’s was handed the £1,000 donation after the ‘Conquer the Castle’ event at Scarborough Rugby Club.

The strongman and strongwoman competition was the second time the event has been organised by Valhalla Strength Club, supported by Barons Gym, with participants taking on an axle deadlift, log press, sandbag carry, farmer’s walk and Atlas stones.

Event organisers, Nick Miles and David Mort, said: “It was a brilliant turnout with 108 competitors from all over the country, as far away as Portsmouth. Everyone had a great day and we’re already looking forward to next year.”

Renowned strongmen Luke Richardson and Glen Cutler joined the event as special guest referees.

All the money raised from spectators, including entry tickets and collection buckets, was donated to patient care at Saint Catherine’s - which the hospice said will make a real difference.