IN common with the rest of the world, I have watched with dismay the recent unedifying events in Westminster; have these people never heard of “united we stand, divided we fall”, or even the simple word “loyalty”?

I have been expecting a barrage of letters to The Press headed up “Et tu, Brute”, but no, perhaps we have become accustomed to back-stabbing.

Now we have the undignified scramble for the top job.

Another maxim they should perhaps be aware of: “Uneasy lays the head that wears the crown”.

Pamela Brown,

Goodwood Grove,



I don’t know why, and I’m sure it’s my fault, but words and phrases occasionally crop up that annoy me.

Circulating at the moment - can’t think why - is ‘grandee’, often coupled with ‘party’. For some reason it’s more often than not linked to the Tory party. Perhaps Labour and the rest can’t muster such an array of ‘grandees’ as the Conservatives. Maybe there’s a wealth element to ‘grandeeship’ which might explain it.

The actual identity of the particular ‘grandee’ in question isn’t normally disclosed but there can be hints. Often it’s possible to work it out. These ‘grandee’ types are regularly being quoted or anonymously referred to at the moment. ‘Why is that?

Are there female ‘party grandees’ or is it a male preserve? Are these ‘grandees’ a bit like panjandrums, and I don’t mean that weird WW2 cross between a penny-farthing and a Catherine wheel that ran amok in an episode of ‘Dad’s Army’? Not the ‘we had a panjandrum once but the wheels came off’ but a person of influence, authority and experience.

I’ll get over ‘grandee’ but then some other irksome word or expression will rear up to further irritate. Do other readers experience verbal bêtes noirs? Is there a treatment for it?

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



YET again I find myself having to correct a statement made by Dr Scott Marmion.

In his letter in Thursday’s Press (Should we rattle a tin for poor train drivers?), he quoted me as saying that train drivers won’t be going on strike.

At the time of writing I never stated that drivers wouldn’t be going on strike as ASLEF hadn’t even balloted their members and Dr Marmion was confusing the matter with action taken by the RMT union.

Now it seems that action will be taken by ASLEF members but this was not the case when my letter was published.

Stick to the facts.

Alan Priestman,

Hull Road,



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