MEMBERS of a community group in York have hand-knitted blankets to donate to dementia patients at a home in the city.

Haxby residents, who are part of a ‘Make to Donate’ community group at the York branch of Dunelm, have hand-knitted blankets and ‘twiddle muffs’ to donate to Birchlands Care Home.

The ladies from the group have been busy knitting individual donations over the past few weeks using an impressive variety of stitching techniques both in their own time and at dedicated ‘Knit & Stitch’ sessions held in the Pausa Café at the store.

The donations were gratefully received by Birchlands Care Home, said Steve Tyler, Community Champion at Dunelm York.

“The care home residents were so pleased that these blankets and twiddle-muffs were made especially for them. They loved how creative the designs were," he added.

The Knit & Stitch group is already on with knitting their next batch of donations and encourage others to join their sessions.