Further to a recent letter (Are councillors worth pay rise, January 22), I can say yes, there are single parent councillors, as I am one.

It is entirely possible to be a single parent and a City of York councillor. The Labour initiative of Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC) means that I can get child care costs recovered for daytime and evening child care costs from the council's allowances scheme.

I am able to place a substitute in a meeting if I cannot attend (a rare occurrence) and yes, it is a hard, demanding job. But it is so very worthwhile and rewarding.

Those sceptical about the Sure Start programme should also note than my son and I thrived because of this programme, which was also a Labour initiative. Had it not existed I definitely would not be a city councillor today and my son would not be the happy child he is. So thanks to Labour, Sure Start and City of York Council.

Coun Helen Douglas, Clifton ward, Guildhall, York.