YORK is the brainiest area in the UK, with residents having the highest combined levels of qualifications and high exam pass rates, according to a study.

The research conducted by puzzles experts, SudokuCraze, analysed level 8 attainment rates for GCSE and A-Level exams in every local authority in England - as well as analysing the percentage of population in each area that have higher education qualifications to establish which areas in England are the brainiest.

York came out on top as the brainiest area in England. The city had the highest percentage of population with a higher education degree, with 59.3 per cent of residents having a degree. Similarly, York ranked seventh when it came to high pass rates amongst A-Level and GCSE exams, with 55.28 per cent attaining a level 8 or higher. These two factors combined, lead York to be the brainiest area in England.

A spokesperson for SudokuCraze, said: “Since the pandemic began, there have been numerous setbacks to education and exams, however these findings highlight the areas in England that have surpassed the national average and are indeed the brainiest areas in the country.”

The second brainiest area in England is Wokingham, with Trafford taking the third sport according to the research.