IN just two weeks police caught 455 people committing traffic offences.

Humberside Police say they issued the Traffic Offence Reports (TORs) as part of a national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of wearing a seatbelt in a vehicle.

It has been compulsory to wear a seatbelt since 1983 for drivers and since 1991 for passengers. However, more than 450 offences were spotted by officers on our region’s roads between Monday, June 13 and Sunday, June 26.

These roadside checks also led to the identification of further offences, such as driving whilst disqualified, driving without a licence or insurance, and driving without an MOT.

The lack of seatbelt use continues to be a contributory factor in a number of recent fatalities on our region’s roads.

Sgt Marc Chance of our Roads Policing Unit said: “Please wear a seatbelt on every journey, no matter how short it is. It’s the law and could prevent you or your passengers from sustaining serious or potentially fatal injuries. It’s not worth the risk.

“We want to make Humberside’s roads safer for everyone, and motorists could play an important part in that just by wearing a seatbelt.

“My Roads Policing colleagues and I have seen first-hand the devastating consequences of not wearing a seatbelt.

“In a collision, you are twice as likely to survive if you are wearing a seatbelt. If you are not wearing a seatbelt, you could hit the windscreen at a force of 30 to 60 times your body weight.

“Wearing a seatbelt is the law. It is not a choice. It saves lives.”

The penalty for not wearing a seatbelt is £100, or £500 if prosecuted.

It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure all under-14s in the vehicle are wearing a seatbelt.

If not, the driver faces a £500 fine.