CAMPAIGNERS against City of York Council's ban on Blue Badge holders from city centre footstreets have staged a major demonstration under Clifford's Tower.

Dozens of protesters, some in wheelchairs, gathered with placards proclaiming messages such as 'End Disability Discrimination,' 'Accessibility is a right, City of York Council is wrong' and 'Reverse the Ban.'

The tower was chosen for yesterday's demo because of additional council proposals to close and redevelop the adjacent Castle Car Park, where protesters said 31 Blue Badge parking spaces would be lost.

Organisers said they were delighted by the size of the turn-out for the demonstration, which illustrated the strength of feeling over the issue.

They said 700 postcards calling for the council to reverse its ban had already been signed, and it was hoped 2,000 cards could be signed by September and then handed over to council leader Keith Aspden.

The council controversially removed the exemption which allowed blue badge holders to park in the city’s footstreets last November.

It promised to improve access to the city centre, including a programme of dropped kerbs and better pavements, as well as the employment of an access officer but such actions were dismissed yesterday by demonstrators.