POLICE in North Yorkshire have launched a hard-hitting video campaign to encourage young people to think of the consequences before abusing alcohol.

The North Yorkshire Police video, which is titled #NYPThinkOfTheConsquences, was commissioned following instances of alcohol fuelled anti-social behaviour in open spaces within York during the summer months.

It will be shown to all secondary school children within the City of York ahead of the summer break and posted externally on NYP social media channels.

The commander for York and Selby, Superintendent Mark Khan from North Yorkshire Police, said: “Alcohol related anti-social behaviour is time consuming for us to deal with so anything which we can do to reduce the calls to service is beneficial.

“We are not unique in York and North Yorkshire experiencing problems with anti-social behaviour particularly as the weather improves and students finish for their summer break. We will continue to work with our partners to patrol hotpot areas at key times."

During the video, York College drama students are used as actors in a scenario which involves a visit to a park. The students consume alcohol which impacts on their decision making and results in five consequences which involve the emergency services and family members.