A DOGGY day care centre has been approved for a farm near York.

Ms Georgina Tubb has gained consent to change the use of a redundant agricultural brick shed and milking parlour at Stud Farm, Sutton Road, Wiggington.

Her planning application to City of York Council said the new venture would be a natural extension to her dog walking business. The farm is not a working farm and all its land is rented to other farmers in the area.

A report by council planning staff, recommending approval to the application, noted there were no representations from the parish council or nearby residents.

It said customers would bring and collect their pets on a daily basis and parking would be limited to such customers. Therefore, the day care centre had no greater impact on the Green Belt than previous agricultural use.

Most activity would take place indoors, with limited numbers of dogs primarily within daytime hours. The distances from other properties would also mean any impact on the residential amenity of neighbours would be acceptable. Reusing existing buildings was also acceptable in green belt terms.

They concluded the safety and convenience of road users would not be harmed, so the proposal is "acceptable in planning terms and approval is recommended.”