A THRIVING sports club near York is seeking to erect security lighting to help improve public safety.

The Wigginton Sports and Playing Field Association has submitted a planning application to City of York Council for the lights at the John Jeffery Community Pavilion on Mill Lane, Willington.

The club, which is run by volunteers, seek to erect eight 8m tall flood lamp columns each with two 200W LED directional flood lamps, which would be controlled via a time clock.

The popular venue was named after ‘Mr Wigginton’, John Jeffery, and it opened in September 2020.

Situated in the Wigginton Playing Fields, the popular venue offers parking, a spacious community room and modern kitchen, changing rooms and showers making the Pavilion a' wonderful location' for Community, Fitness, Support & Social groups or meetings.

However, the planning application to the council says the fields are generally used in the Spring, Autumn and Winter, with some activities for children finishing as late as 9pm.

During these times, the areas that would benefit from the lighting are in darkness “making traversing back to the illuminated public highways a matter of increasing concern," the application also commented.