Salt? In bacon butties? Well, who'd have thought it?

Aren't we fortunate that we have trading standards inspectors to keep their collective eyes on what we eat.

I just did not realise just how much salt I could be absorbing until I read: "Bacon butty health alert (The Press, February 2).

Without this timely warning I may have gone and bought a bacon butty, and actually enjoyed it, but now, of course, before I embark on such hazardous consumption I will ask the vendor exactly just how much sodium chloride I am consuming and, if the levels are in the parameters deemed by the trading standards people to be dangerous, I shall, regretfully, ask him/her to cancel the order.

Years ago, and long before this stupid nanny state started trying to run our lives, we could eat, drink and smoke whatever we liked, wherever we liked, and nobody gave a tuppenny damn; so why should we be lectured now by people who think they know better.

My advice? If you want a bacon butty from a roadside vendor, then have one, and raise a metaphorical finger to those trying to convince you that you are doing yourself harm.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.