The allegation that there is a shortage of out-of-school activities for children is probably true for some.

However, it would be true to say that a great deal of after-school activity is already provided by schools before children leave for home; for example, football, netball, dance classes, drama/show rehearsals and others, not forgetting homework at home, of course.

This leaves a core of teenagers and children who are either not suitable, not interested, or required at home for some genuine reason.

This unknown number of children require skate parks, youth clubs, play areas, which are regularly the subject of finding provision and maintenance funds from a "cash-strapped" council.

Transport will usually be needed by those interested, usually meaning another member of the family giving them a lift, or a bus journey home.

Many would not be prepared to make their own way through the streets at night, even if the weather permitted.

There have been times when skate parks/play areas have been vandalised and/or taken over by groups of youths enjoying a can or two and generally making a nuisance.

Occasionally, there have been attacks on youth clubs by groups of youths. These are costly to overcome or try and overcome, making it a dilemma for those who wish change for the better.

J Beisly, Osprey Close, York.