COUNCILLORS in York have applied for a new programme of funding for projects based on community and place, supporting local business and people and skills in the city.

At a meeting on Thursday June 16, City of York Council members will receive an update on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which will replace the European Structural Investment Funds (ESIF).

Projects previously funded by the ESIF include various skills, employment and community based projects across York and the region.

Executive members will be asked to approve the necessary work to unlock York’s share of the investment, including partner engagement and the preparation of an investment plan.

Councillor Nigel Ayre, executive member for finance and performance at City of York Council, said: “This funding could see significant investment in communities across York. We are lucky to have so many great partners and organisations across the city who make a real difference and deliver life changing projects supporting our communities and businesses.

“We look forward to working with partners to share ideas and submit the strongest investment plan with our city’s priories at its heart.”

The investment plan, once approved by Government, could see over £5 million shared amongst projects in the city over the next three years through public sector organisations, higher and further education institutions, private sector companies, community and voluntary sector organisations and registered charities.

The Investment Plan will reflect the city’s priorities and a partnership group will be created to ensure that a strong investment plan is created and submitted. The plan will be based on the My City Centre strategy, Cultural strategy and York Skills Plan, together with the emerging York Economic Strategy, Health and Wellbeing strategy and Climate Change strategy.

Councillor Ashley Mason, executive member for economy and strategic planning at City of York Council, added: “Working with partners, businesses and organisations across the city will be key in making sure we deliver projects that support our communities and businesses in what continues to be a challenging time for many.

“By using our major city strategies as the basis for the investment plans, we can make sure the available funding is best targeted to address local challenges and build on our city’s strengths.”