Lockdown made things worse for many victims of domestic abuse, says FIONA MCCULLOCH of York Citizens Advice

York Citizens Advice and IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Support) are teaming up to launch their first ever initiative to get help and support to domestic abuse survivors. You will find more details about what we are doing later in this column.

As we launch the new 'wrap-round' domestic abuse service, it is important to recognise the impact that the pandemic and world events are having on this issue.

During the lockdowns 91 per cent of survivors currently experiencing domestic abuse said that they had been negatively impacted in at least one way.

Of those women living with their abuser during the lockdowns, 61 per cent said that the abuse had worsened, and 53 per cent of survivors with children said that their children had seen more abuse happening: 38 per cent said that their abuser had increased abusive behaviour towards the children.

The National Helpline had a 68 per cent increase in calls and a 700 per cent increase in visits to the website.

Almost one in three women aged 16-59 will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime. Two women a week are killed by a current or former partner in England and Wales alone.

This is shocking to read: most people would be rightly appalled.

People who abuse and are abused are as likely to be lawyers, accountants and judges as they are milkmen, cleaners or unemployed.

There are discrepancies in the system which mean that, in some ways, people who own homes or have well paid jobs can find it even more difficult than those with less money to access safe places to live. If you are a woman with a well-paid husband, or who owns half of your home, you may not be able to access universal credit or housing benefits if you seek to leave the marital home.

People with less access to money, meanwhile, also find it difficult to make the initial move or to break joint social or private tenancies because they do not have the money to do so.

Surely the aim should be to make anyone who finds themselves in this situation feel that they can safely flee the abuse and live a secure and happy life again?

The European war is causing further issues of sexual violence into public awareness.

We read daily of the war crimes of rape and sexual abuse - many Ukrainians fleeing cite this as a major factor in their difficult decision to leave their country.

There have also been reports of predatory males offering homes to single Ukrainian women.

In all respects the battle lines are being drawn and sexual and domestic violence is constantly in the public eye.

This is horrifying and it acts as a major trigger to many people, either to amplify violent situations or to cause flashbacks and a return to the feelings of trauma.

This is why York Citizens Advice and IDAS are coming together to provide a 'wrap – round' service to help anyone who finds themselves in the situation where they are survivors of domestic abuse.

For two years during the pandemic survivors have been locked away.

Now is the time they can come forward and seek help.

IDAS offers non-judgmental, practical and emotional support to anyone affected by domestic abuse, sexual violence or sexual abuse in York and North Yorkshire.

Their experienced workers listen and explain the options available, including providing support through the criminal and civil justice system. They can also help to arrange emergency accommodation for people fleeing domestic abuse.

They keep people safe and support them to make their own decisions.

York Citizens Advice offers non-judgemental help with finances, including benefit checks and support claiming benefits.

We can help with any debt issues as shared debt can become an issue of financial control. We can also offer free legal advice for any aspect of family law. We can support people through housing problems to find resolution. Our immigration team can offer advice on forced marriages and issues of control via visa or passport issues.


Fiona McCulloch is chief executive of York Citizens Advice.

For advice on any of the issues raised in this column, call 0808 278 7895 or complete the online contact form at citizensadviceyork.org.uk/callback-request/

Both IDAS and York Citizens Advice are charities who rely on donations to keep our vital work going.

Contact us on our helpline or via Live Chat on our website Monday-Friday 3-6pm.