A YORK school hosted a range of activities to celebrate the Jubilee.

Poppleton Road Primary School, in Acomb, provided fun for all years with their celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Each year group took a different decade from the Queen’s reign and learned about different aspects of life from that time.

The celebrations finished last Friday (May 27) with a short performance from every child of something from their chosen decade.

Parents and carers were invited to watch the performances.

On the final day there was also a Family Jubilee picnic, with a surprise "flash mob" performance of Gary Barlow’s song "Sing" in the middle.

There was also a Jubilee cake competition.

As reported by The Press, Poppleton Road Primary School recently unveiled a Jubilee Mural which kicked off their Jubilee celebrations.

Children from the school worked with local artist Sam Jones to create the mural.

Are you planning something for the Jubilee? If so get in touch with Dylan Connell: dylan.connell@newsquest.co.uk