It’s wild, it’s fun and it’s right on your doorstep – the Great Yorkshire Creature Count is back for its third year, bigger and better than ever.

Last year, more than 4,200 people headed outside to see what they could find. Can we make it 5,000 or more this year?

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s ‘wildlife census’ takes place from midday Saturday June 18 until midday Sunday June 19.

We’re asking Yorkshire folk to spot, count and record the creatures in their outdoor spaces – starting with a list of 30 creatures great and small.

Whether it’s a ladybird in your window box, a frog behind the bin or a swift screaming above your head, you’ll be amazed by the creatures you can find once you start looking.

We might not have zebras or leopards roaming wild where we live, but on this doorstep safari you might spot a zebra spider or leopard slug!

Nature needs us. Our gardens and outdoor spaces provide crucial corridors, nesting areas and places to shelter for many of our much-loved creatures.

Even our most familiar and once-widespread creatures such as the common frog or the garden bumblebee are declining, because their habitats are being destroyed and the pressures of climate change are increasing.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has a vision of a wilder Yorkshire where our towns, cities and countryside are connected and rich in wildlife.

With your help, we can find out more about how many different creatures are making themselves at home, what we can do to protect them, and how wildlife-friendly our gardens are.

Noticing and recording the wildlife where we live is not only helping nature, it’s good for us too. Spending time in nature is great for our mental health and wellbeing. You could say that wild things make our hearts sing…

Everyone can take part in the Great Yorkshire Creature Count and it’s really easy to join in. You can team up with your neighbours, or compete against them to see who can find the most creatures.

Every single garden, yard, window box, hanging basket and scrubby patch of grass could make a difference. We’ll give you everything you need and you’ll be helping us to support, protect and enhance Yorkshire’s wildlife.

Just follow these three steps:

  1. - sign up at to get your downloadable checklist, tips and advice. 
  2. - on the weekend of the count, head outside to search for and record creatures on the checklist. 
  3. - submit your sightings on our website.

If you want to take your count a step further you can join the project group on iNaturalist, an app for uploading your records and photos.

And if you want to get even more wildlife in your life, June is the perfect time to do it. The Great Yorkshire Creature Count takes place during the UK’s biggest nature challenge: 30 Days Wild.

Every year thousands of people enjoy taking part by pledging to do something wild each day in June. Everyone who signs up receives a pack full of inspiration to guide them through the month.

Attract more wild-life to your garden

If you want to make your garden more wildlife-friendly, here are some suggestions:

  • Attract more insects by growing plants that encourage bees and other pollinators. You don’t need much space, or a lawn or flower beds to do this – you can use pots and containers, window boxes and hanging baskets, or even walls.
  • Frequently-mown lawns might look neat and tidy, but growing a wild patch or mini meadow creates a valuable habitat for nature. Patches of long grass encourage different plant species to grow, help insects to thrive and create feeding opportunities for birds and small mammals.
  • Feed your garden birds and other creatures that might visit, such as hedgehogs, and provide water for drinking and bathing – don’t forget to keep it topped up.
  • Build homes and shelters for wildlife, from bee hotels and log piles to hedgehog houses and bat boxes.
  • Create a pond or bog garden to increase the variety of creatures you might see.

There are plenty of other tips at