Thunder and Imogen are two very different rabbits, who were brought into the RSCA's York Animal Home in Landing Lane separately, but have since formed a close friendship.

Thunder (the grey one! ) is three years old and Imogen is one.

"They were both admitted separately for different reasons and were both very lonely," a member of staff at the animal home said.

"They were both neutered and then bonded at the centre. They have been snuggle buddies ever since.

"They love being with each other and have become inseparable. They are always found together whether it is eating, sleeping or having fun.

"Their favourite part of the day is treat and veg time, when they are generally first in the line waiting for their share."

The pair love to 'adventure about their runs', checking out everything new they find for that day. "Then they like to snuggle down for an afternoon nap together, where they look absolutely adorable," the staff member said.

Thunder and Imogen will need plenty of space to play around in as they love to run and binky, staff say.

"So the bigger the better - lots of space will be needed for these rabbits. "

Staff say they will need a hutch that is at least six feet by eight feet. "But if they could have even more space they would love that even more," the staff member said.

"They are a fantastic pair of rabbits who will make great additions to the family."

The RSPCA York Animal Home is an independent animal shelter and relies upon the support and funding of our local supporters to allow us to rehome hundreds of cats, dogs, small animals and wildlife each year. To find our more visit