A CROQUET club in York is holding a free drop-in afternoon for anyone wanting to try the game on National Croquet Day.

York Croquet Club has experienced a surge of interest from those wanting to try this friendly and socially distanced game - and is now putting on extra free introductory courses on Sunday (May 15) to cater for the demand.

Club chair, John Harris said: "Croquet is very much the game of the moment. It’s an enjoyable sociable activity on a summer’s afternoon. But it also suits ambitious players wanting to play a strategic game at the highest level. Croquet really is for everyone.”

The free drop-in is at the club lawns in Scarcroft Road between 2.30 - 4.30pm on Sunday afternoon - and all are welcome.

There is no need to book, just turn up with flat-soled footwear to enjoy the game suitable for all ages and abilities.