Parliament is back. The ceremonials over, the speech read, the bills set out, the debates underway.

Already it is clear, the crucial decisions on things that matter – cost of living, jobs and the climate - are nowhere to be seen.

Instead, we have the destruction of our Human Rights framework, a bill preventing boycotts, an insufficient Online Safety Bill, a stripped back HS2 and a planning bill, which disappeared in the last Parliament due to the Tory revolt.

But this week also sees the return of York’s Local Plan, now 76 years in the making and 43-months after this plan’s initial submission.

The average Local Authority completes this process in 19 months, but the York saga grinds on.

The reason we are still here is that the inspectors have identified so many weaknesses in the Plan that they need many more answers to ensure the Plan is fit for purpose.

They have asked 116 questions in advance of this inquiry, and will, no doubt, have more as they cross examine us.

York needs a Local Plan. Without a plan in place, York has become easy prey to developers looking for quick profits, and we are failing to get the homes and jobs we urgently need where we need them.

Labour has been really clear, we want to see the Local Plan succeed.

To do so, however, the plan must meet the requirements set out in the National Planning Framework. The LibDems, Greens and Tories, who have all signed up to this Plan, have failed to demonstrate that they have fulfilled the criteria and so York’s plan is still stuck.

The problem is they just haven’t done their homework. They have failed to carry out the required transport, economic, housing and climate assessments needed to understand what is happening in York and what is needed for the future.

This means that we’ve been left with a flimsy document, narrowly focused on achieving the short-term political ambitions of those currently in charge, rather than an inspiring and thoughtful plan that will deliver the homes, jobs, integrated transport and environmental improvements we need now and in the future.

The council, however, are not judge and jury on the Local Plan – the inspectors are, and they will not allow York to proceed with a substandard plan for our future.

Labour is there to make sure that York gets its Local Plan and one that works for you. Of course, any plan involves making difficult decisions, but if you root them in evidence, use the data, and look positively at the opportunities for well paid jobs, good quality housing and better transport provision, then the rest falls into place. We are as ambitious for you as we know you are for yourselves.

Working with the Universities and Colleges, we are aiming for good quality jobs for you and your children. Just last month I made a powerful case in Parliament for York’s transport cluster to be recognised.

The railways made York and York made the railways. We want the next generation of railway men and women to carry on our rail tradition, while also benefitting from good transport infrastructure themselves.

Many will recall the shift changes when York’s streets filled with bikes. It can be like that again. Working in town, and then having a good home to go home to at the end of the day.

Our climate is burning, and yet in this plan the authority merely says that it wants to cut carbon. How? Where? When? The crisis demands a plan, the Local Plan demands answers. Once again, the LibDems and Greens are left wanting on the most important issue of our age.

It is time that these politicians stopped playing with our city and took you seriously – putting residents first. We need to tackle low wage jobs, extortionate housing costs, buses that don’t run, stag and hen party saturation, the enormous growth of Airbnb’s in our communities, and just about the worst cost of living crisis anywhere.

It never had to be this way. Much of this is down to political choices made by this administration. In a year’s time you can do something about that at the ballot box. If we get the Local Plan right and a good Labour council next year, we will take on these issues and make York a place you will be so proud of.

In the meantime, Labour’s team will be out in force at the Local Plan hearings, making sure we get the plan through in better shape that will secure a brighter future.

Rachael Maskell is the Labour MP for York Central