POLICE have issued a warning for '2-in-1' burglaries in York - after receiving several reports of incidents recently.

North Yorkshire Police have had reports of burglars breaking into homes, stealing car keys, then driving off in the vehicle parked outside.

A spokesperson for the force said few simple precautions can help protect you from these opportunistic ‘2-in-1’ thieves.

They said: "Most importantly of all, never leave your car keys near windows or doors where someone could see or reach them. Keep those windows and doors closed and locked, especially overnight or when you’re away from home.

"If you can, consider installing CCTV to cover your property, as well as security lighting and a visible intruder alarm.

"If you have a garage – use it. If not, try to park somewhere secure, such as behind lockable gates on your driveway.

"And finally, do your bit for your community, by keeping an eye out and reporting anything suspicious to us."

Officers asking people in the York and Selby areas to be particularly vigilant right now.

Police have increased patrols in affected areas and will actively be on the look-out for suspicious activity relating to car key burglary.

"Together, we can keep these unscrupulous burglars at bay," the spokesperson added.