Violence at City of York Council's offices and indecent exposure were among cases heard recently at York Magistrates Court.

Sean Stephen Craze was banned from driving for three years. The 35-year-old from Birch Park, Huntington, pleaded guilty to drink driving when three and a half times the drink drive limit on Clarence Street, York, on March 31. He was made subject to a 12-month community order with 200 hours’ unpaid work and ordered to pay a £95 statutory surcharge and £85 prosecution costs.

Christopher Trevor Thompson was jailed for 18 weeks. The 46-year-old of Alcuin Avenue, Tang Hall, denied two charges of assault at West Offices but was convicted at a trial. He admitted a public order offence. He was also ordered to pay a £128 statutory surcharge. The sentence included eight weeks previously suspended.

Nathan Anthony King, 27, of no fixed address, was jailed for 10 weeks after pleading guilty to a charge of causing actual bodily harm on Market Place, Selby. He was also ordered to pay a £128 statutory surcharge.

Nick Lofthouse, 20, of St James Close, Rawcliffe, pleaded guilty to indecent exposure in York. He was made subject to a community order with 120 hours’ unpaid work and told to register as a sex offender for five years. He was also ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £95 statutory surcharge.