THE Labour group on City of York Council has elected a new leader in Cllr Claire Douglas - meaning the authority would have its first ever female leader if the party seizes control at next year's elections.

Cllr Douglas has been deputy group leader for the past 12 months with Cllr Pete Kilbane the leader; he now becomes deputy leader in a straight swap of roles.

They each nominated the other for their respective new positions at the Labour Group’s AGM yesterday.

Cllr Douglas said she was 'really honoured' that Labour councillors have put their faith in her.

“I look forward to continuing to work very closely with Cllr Kilbane, as we have done for the past year, so in many ways it won’t be a big change,|" she said.

"Our collective focus is on next year’s council elections and demonstrating to York residents why a change is needed, and how they will benefit from that change.

“I have a lot of experience in the public, private and charity sectors and feel I’ve got a great deal to give in this new role. Our intention is to continue the work we’ve started and to remove the current administration in 12 months’ time."

Cllr Kilbane welcomed the decision, saying:“Since Claire came into the Labour team she’s shown not only that she’s able to lead it, but that she would excel at leading the council too.

“Claire has a solid business background and also founded a nationally-recognised charity dealing with difficult social problems here in York. She sees the issues and potential solutions with a 360 degree round vision.

“We will continue to work closely together for the good of the city."

Cllr Anne Hook,deputy leader of the Lib Dem group, claimed there was 'infighting' in the local Labour group, as it selected its sixth leader since 2013.

"A year out from the local elections this will serve as a reminder of the instability that characterises the local Labour group so well," she said.

She claimed Cllr Kilbane’s time at the head of the Labour party would be remembered for 'headline chasing and playground politics, so our sincere hope is that Cllr Douglas will bring some much needed level headedness to working across parties for the best of the city.   

“The Lib Dem Group would like to welcome Cllr Douglas into her new role. We look forward to working with her and engaging constructively on issues that matter to York residents.”