MORE than £120,000 has been earmarked in City of York Council's 2008-9 budget to maintain the bar walls.

Funds will be spent on carrying out essential repair and restoration of the city walls, as part of the rolling maintenance programme, and will finance a works programme designed to address areas where there are no railings on the inside of the walls to prevent people falling.

The area identified as being of most risk is adjacent to Station Rise, and money will be used to install railings on this part of the city walls. Problems have been identified with the stretch of walls between Monk Bar and Bootham Bar, where concern has been expressed that the wall is leaning.

Liberal Democrat Executive Member for City Strategy, Coun Ann Reid, said: "The city walls are a major part of our city's heritage. They are the longest, and amongst the most complete, city walls in the country. Maintaining and restoring them is an ongoing commitment, and something which is very important to retaining the city's history for its residents and visitors. I am reassured that we will be able to continue to provide money to maintain this national historic monument."