All new vehicles sold in Europe will be fitted with a speed limiter as a legal requirement from 6 July 2022.

The UK is set to fall in line with the EU legislation despite leaving the union.

That means new vehicles will have a safety device that stops you from driving faster than the speed limit on that road.

The devices will be able to recognise when a speed limit changes and stop a car breaking the law.

Officials say the technology could make breaking speed limits a thing of the past.

Intelligent Speed Assistance systems use either a video or a GPS-linked system to detect speed signs.

The system will then alert the driver if they’re going over the speed limit, and if the driver doesn’t slow down the speed limiter will intervene.

Limiters work in various ways but most reduce the engine's power by retarding the ignition rather than applying the brakes.

Danger drivers who try to speed will find their cars unable to accelerate.

Similar limiters are already fitted to powerful cars to prevent their engines over-revving and causing damage.

The systems will use one, or a combination, of the following:

  • Automatically reducing the engine’s power
  • Gently pushing the driver’s foot on the accelerator back
  • Visual and audio alerts rather like a 'seatbelt not fastened' alert
  • Pedal vibrations if the speed doesn’t drop

As well as saving lives, officials believe the limiters will reduce exhaust emissions which rise exponentially with speed.

Matthew Avery, director of research at Thatcham Research, said: “Many drivers want to remain safe and drive within the law, however changing from one speed limit to another can be difficult and distracting. In this respect, Intelligent Speed Assistance  systems help to not only keep drivers safe but also legal.”

And even if the UK doesn't adopt the new rules it is unlikely manufacturers will built 'full speed' models just for one market.

So does this mean an end to problems of speeding cars in York?

Not immediately.

The rules are not retroactive (yet) so older vehicles will still be able to exceed speed limits. However, officials are examining ways to fit the technology to vehicles sold before July, so this may change.

That said, some cars - mostly those built before 1990 - will be impossible to convert because they were manufactured before electronic engine management systems became standard.