A former York Rectory can be converted into flats.

The application concerns a change of use from a clinic to residential at Heworth House in Melrosegate.

A report by council planning staff granting approval says there have been changes to the scheme to minimise changes and protect its ‘high Victorian Gothic architecture.’

The planning application from Integra Property Management was aimed at ‘first time movers and downsizers’.

There would be four 2-bed apartments and two with one bedroom, plus a 2-bed bungalow built next to it. Seven parking spaces would be retained.

Assessing the application, council planning staff noted two letters of concern regarding traffic and parking and the occupiers of the new vicarage nearby objected due to loss of privacy.

The report said the flats were large enough to meet standards and have reasonable levels of light and outlook.

It added changing the use of the building could not be opposed and concluded: “The accommodation provided would be of a good quality. The alterations and additions would not harm the character and appearance of the conservation area and not unacceptably harm existing amenity. Technical matters (e.g. noise and contamination) can be addressed through conditions. Approval is recommended.”