AN Easter Monday charity concert at York’s St Michael Le Belfry church has gone global on YouTube - and raised almost £5,000 and counting for humanitarian relief in Ukraine.

The concert, by the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir, included a rendition of the Ukrainian National anthem in Ukrainian, with everyone standing to show their respect..

“The silence that followed was emotionally charged!” said the choir’s chairman, Mike Wash.

The concert was arranged ‘to do something to aid the plight of the millions of Ukrainians who’s lives have been torn apart by (the Russian) invasion,” said the choir’s treasurer, Stephen Poole.

Almost £5,000 has now been raised through ticket sales, on-the-door donations and contributions to the choir’s Just Giving page - Proceeds are going direct to the Disasters Emergency Committee’s (DEC) Ukraine Appeal.

The music on the day was powerful and emotional, admitted Mike Wash.

But the packed audience also heard an emotional thank-you to the people of York from Alisa, a young Ukrainian woman from Kyiv. “She explained that nobody wanted to leave (Ukraine) and when they do, they feel guilty,” Mike said.

“We (also) had a description from Lena Henderson, a York Resident born in Ukraine, of how her friends and relatives in Southern Ukraine continue to teach and struggle to find some sense of normality for the sake of the children.

“The need for sensitive support was highlighted by Kev and Liz Dunn, who have been busy matching hosts to guests from Ukraine.”

The concert was attended by the Lord Mayor of York, Cllr Chris Cullwick. “He said it was the perfect end to his Easter,” Mike said.

The concert can still be seen on YouTube by searching for York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir.

“We have currently had over 600 views,” Mike said. “We have had messages from the USA, Holland, Germany and the Ukraine from people who have seen it. We’ve been getting emails from all over the world!”

Mr Poole said the choir chose the DEC’s Ukraine Appeal because the organisation’s local partners are on the ground in Ukraine and across the border in neighbouring countries. “So they know where and how best to deploy resources,” Mr Poole said. “They are working to meet the immediate needs of all people fleeing with food, water, medical assistance, protection and trauma care.”

To find out more about the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir visit