A BRAND new adventure play park opens in York today (April 20), giving visiting children another activity to enjoy.

Free to access and open during daylight hours throughout the year, the adventure play park at the York Stadium Leisure Complex is suitable for children from toddlers to teenagers.

The park has a host of features from climbing apparatus, slides and walkways to support fitness and inspire creative play along with all-weather and soft surfaces. It also has seating for parents and carers plus lockable gates.

Councillor Darryl Smalley, executive member for culture, leisure and communities at City of York Council, said: “Designed for up to 50 children to explore at a time, this playground supports our commitment towards play and exercise in the city’s open spaces.”

Within the space is an outdoor fitness space for York Leisure Centre customers with a purpose-built, fenced-off safe area. It can be adapted for a variety of purposes including outdoor fitness classes, such as circuits, Buggy-a-cise and high intensity training classes.

Councillor Nigel Ayre, executive member for finance and performance at City of York Council, said: “Our vision for the Community Stadium is very much for an all-family experience. Giving children an outdoor, all-weather exercise space for to enjoy fits that brilliantly.”