POLICE have urged all road users to look out for each other on the roads this long bank holiday weekend.

They say the roads are especially busy over the next few days - so it is vital to take extra care when driving or riding.

Police teams will be out on patrol throughout the weekend, said Traffic Constable Jamie Lord of North Yorkshire Police.

"And we're asking you to drive carefully (and) keep your eyes peeled for all road users whether that's cars, motorbikes, pedal bikes, horses or pedestrians," he said.

“With the milder weather, we know more motor cyclists will be out and about in the county, so we want to make it clear that all road users need to be extra careful and look out for each other.

“Most collisions between cars and motorbikes or mopeds are down to driver/rider error, so drivers must take care and look out for all road users.”

There are some simple safety measures and checks you can make to prepare yourself for the road before setting off, TC Lord said:

  • Make sure your windscreens are fully cleared and de-misted
  • Check all your lights are clean and working properly
  • Check your tyre pressures are at the recommended level and that tread depth is correct
  • Stay a safe distance away from the vehicle in front of you (remember the two second rule!)
  • ALWAYS check all your mirrors and blind spots before turning