ACCLAIMED New York pianist Utsav Lal is heading to the UK to take part in Yorkshire Silent Film Festival’s spring season - including a date in York.

Described as a “trailblazer” in the worlds of jazz and raga, Lal will improvise a live score for the silent film A Throw of Dice at the National Centre for Early Music, St Margaret’s Church, Walmgate, on May 10.

The event will be the only opportunity for York audiences to hear the pianist perform live in the city this year.

A box office smash in 1929, the romantic silent film A Throw of Dice tells the story of rival Indian kings – one good, one bad, who fall in love with the same woman.

Jonny Best, artistic director, Yorkshire Silent Film Festival, said: “We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Utsav Lal back to the UK. His performances are truly mesmerising, blending ancient tradition with innovation. Audiences in York will be astounded by his improvisations which will bring this stunning silent film to vivid life.”

Tickets cost £15 - £13 for over 65s and £6 for under 35s - and are on sale now at