Mr Jinks has spent most of his life living rough on the street.

The 7-year-old male domestic long-haired cat was brought into the RSPCA's Landing Lane animal home in what staff describe as a 'pitiful' state.

"Sadly and understandably the traumas of street life have left poor Mr Jinks very nervous and shy around people," a staff member at the animal home said.

"Life on the streets for cats that have been abandoned is the hardest of lives and Mr Jinks was clearly struggling and needed help."

Staff at the centre have been working very hard but very patiently to earn the trust of Mr Jinks.

Slowly, week by week, he is beginning to learn to trust people, and to realise that life with people around is not so scary after all.

With the help of Lick-e-Lix treats the Cattery staff can now persuade him to sit on their knee and have a fuss made of him.

The slightest noise will still send him running back to his safe space but this is happening less and less.

Staff say that in time Mr Jinks will make a fantastic pet. "All he needs is for someone to take a chance on him," one staff member said.

"After all he has had to deal with, he deserves to be in a loving home."

Mr Jinks, who has been neutered, will need an adult-only home where there are no other pets.

His adopters will need to have a secure spare room they can dedicate to him while he adjusts to living in a home environment again.

He will need to be kept as a permanent house cat.

The RSPCA York Animal Home is an independent animal shelter and relies upon the support and funding of local supporters to allow it to rehome hundreds of cats, dogs, small animals and wildlife each year. To find our more visit