I FEEL the council spokeswoman totally misunderstood the gist of my letter about travel tokens (Readers' Letters, January 21).

She said they have been offered as an alternative to bus passes. As I said, a lot of people do not want to use the bus, so the choice of travel concession should still be there.

I would think that £40 worth of tokens to allow people the freedom of choice as to how they travel costs a lot less than paying for regular bus travel.

I was always under the impression the title was "travel concession" and not "bus travel".

Personally, I become extremely nauseous when travelling on a bus, apart from the previous reasons for not doing so.

Has this spokeswoman actually stood in line watching the number of people who want the tokens instead of a piece of paper that limits when they can travel, and dictates the length of time it takes for a journey?

If, as she says, the number wanting the tokens has declined, how do they work out that the council is saving a huge amount of money?

Choice for the people who pay her and her council colleagues' wages should be paramount. A lot of us still want our tokens, and feel we are entitled to have them, especially when a lot of our council tax is used for services we don't use.

Janet S Kitchen-Cooper, Ashley Park Road, York.

* IN RESPONSE to Janet Kitchen-Cooper's letter about abolishing travel tokens, I for one hope they do.

I thought the idea of the tokens was for people over 60 to be able to travel for free in the taxis and on the buses, mostly because they were on pensions and it gave them a little bit of financial help.

I am absolutely appalled that this is being abused by people going to Manchester Airport on the train.

Why should the council and York taxpayers pay for people to go on their holidays? It is absolutely disgusting.

And as for the snobbish remarks about the buses, most are fairly clean with friendly staff, and the reason they are crowded is because people are going to and from work on them.

Janice Hartley, Rosedale Avenue, York.

* HOW sad that Janet Kitchen- Cooper has such a poor opinion of York buses. My bus pass is a wonderful asset. I never take my car into York.

Our local bus, number one, Wigginton, runs frequently, is reliable, clean, never overcrowded, even early evening and most drivers are polite and helpful.

I've never experienced seeing mothers with pushchairs find difficulty. The final bus from York is 11.30pm, a great facility following a pleasant evening in town.

One can travel free after 9am, not a great inconvenience. The hourly Reliance bus service is also excellent. I am very grateful for the privilege of having a bus pass; long may it continue, especially when, in April, we can travel the length of the country free.

Rosemary Clark, Corner Close, Wigginton, York.