PUPILS at one primary school are celebrating a good Ofsted report.

Inspectors were at Bugthorpe CE School in East Yorkshire and found that it has maintained it's 'good' rating.

The school was last inspected in 2016 when it was also rated good and it federated with Sutton Upon Derwent CE Primary last year, the two schools having worked very closely for some time.

Ofsted inspectors Jim McGrath and Mike Smit highlighted the ‘strong team ethos across the federation’ and praised not only the ‘exemplary head teacher’ and ‘well trained and fully supportive staff team’, but also the wonderful pupils and parents.

With just 58 pupils on roll the school is on the small side.

Bracken Holtby, executive head, took over the job of head in July 2019, and he said he was challenged to promote collaboration and working together for success.

He said: “We are very proud that the inspectors left our school, fully knowing what we are all about.

"The children did a wonderful job of showing them around and sharing what it is like to live in our loving, school family.

"We are excited that numbers are growing in our younger age groups.

"The inspectors described our curriculum as 'highly engaging' and that pupils love coming to school; what more can you ask for."

Chair of governors, Ali Ross said: "After receiving the feedback at the end of the inspection day, governors and staff felt that the inspectors had really got to know our school and our children within a very short time and this is reflected in the published report as they quote our school vision ‘follow your pathway and grow with confidence’.

"‘Pupils are very proud of their school and know that they are listened to’, this is the comment for me that really sums up all that is ‘good’ about Bugthorpe school; our children feel happy, safe and supported, with many parents and carers telling the inspectors that their children can’t wait to get to school each day.

"Ofsted praised our ‘carefully sequenced curriculum’ and the ‘crucial knowledge’ it instils.

"They recognised that the children ‘learn well’ in early years and that the new phonics scheme is helping the children ‘learn new skills quickly’.

"The inspectors were complimentary of the fact that we have a strong ethos within school about the ‘mental health and wellbeing of all’, they confirmed that ‘subject leadership is strong’ and the ‘head teacher provides expert guidance’."