ENGLISH Touring Opera (ETO) is preparing to return to a theatre in York with two of its latest productions.

The group will perform Puccini’s famous opera La Bohème, about a poet who falls in love with a consumptive seamstress and is a "cultural touchstone" throughout the world. It’s a story of young love, starting on Christmas Eve in a Parisian garret. On this festive, snowy night the lovers draw close but poverty forces them apart.

Meanwhile, the second production of comic Russian fantasy, The Golden Cockerel, holds up a mirror to the last days of the Romanovs.

"Despite its political edge, which meant it fell foul of the Tsarist censors, the music is daringly sensual and erotic at points. For many it’s an undiscovered joy of an opera,” said English Touring Opera’s artistic director, James Conway.

La Bohème will be presented on April 8 at York Theatre Royal and The Golden Cockerel on April 9.

Tickets are available on the theatre's website.