FREE training is being offered to help aspiring young women in North Yorkshire reach their goals.

Aspire2lead is offering the support to women aged 19 to 30, delivered by expert personal development coach Audrie Woodhouse.

The Aspiring Young Women course aims to help women in all levels of employment to raise their confidence, self-esteem and progress more women into management.

The fast-track ILM-accredited course is designed to equip people with skills to reach their goals faster, working in a supportive environment and learning how to clarify their ambitions and create an action plan.

The course will help people to create positive strategies to build confidence and resilience to reach the next level as well as to learn speaking, listening, rapport and team communication skills.

Email for more details.

Aspire2lead is a project part-funded by the European Social Fund that helps support women in employment and SMEs in York and North Yorkshire.

It offers support for those returning to work and to the companies they may be returning to, helping to boost their skills and confidence, achieve their potential and contribute to the growth of businesses in the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership area.

A2L offers group training and one-to-one support to women to tackle specific barriers to progress and help them advance within the workforce.

The project also supports SMEs to boost their productivity by adapting policies and procedures to improve inclusivity and attract and retain high-quality employees.

It also supports SMEs to put procedures in place to ease the transition of women who may be returning to work after a career break, furlough or an extended period of sick leave.

Schools, colleges and universities can access influencer training designed to encourage young women and girls to be ambitious and aim for senior leadership positions by tackling unconscious bias.

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