With public debates being held next week on the survey of the A19 into York, has no thought been given to redesigning the Fishergate and Barbican area?

Why can't we have Barbican Road and Cemetery Road to its junction with Fulford Road one-way from Paragon Street, realign the island on the Fulford Road end of Cemetery Road so cars can turn into Fishergate, and also make Fishergate one-way into town?

Block off the end of Fawcett Street at the Fishergate end to cars, and this will give children from Fishergate and bingo players a safe island part of the way across the road.

Fishergate and Paragon Street are wide enough for a bus lane as well as two lanes of traffic. In doing all of this we are creating a large gyratory system, just like Leeds, and it will keep traffic moving.

Surely with a bit of tweaking the planners could make it work. It would also get rid of the air pollution problem in Fishergate Cyclists who use the George Street cycleway could use Fawcett Street into Kent Street both ways and into Cemetery Road or Heslington Road to get round it .

With all the talk of bus lanes and traffic lights and cycle lanes the planners want to put in from the A64 to Fishergate, it makes sense to sort this out at the same time

K Hartley, Broadway, York.