WITH reference to "After 14 years my ME has been cured" (The Press, January 18).

As chairman of the York and District ME Group I would like to comment on this article, which suggests that CFS/ME is a discreet illness and that the Lightning Process is the answer.

Since the name was changed to CFS/ME it has come to be used as a label for any illness involving unresolved fatigue that the NHS cannot put another name to. So it is not one illness.

The symptoms are those of chronic stress, common to all, but probably from a variety of causes. The body reacts to stress with physical symptoms whether the stressor is physical, psychological or emotional. The Lightning Process is an educational tool that teaches you to deal with stress from the latter two.

As there is no one test for CFS/ME, this diagnosis also carries the possibility of misdiagnosis. For example, symptoms closely resemble hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. NHS diagnosis of these relies heavily on laboratory tests, which are not the best available.

The interpretation of thyroid test results is also variable. The same thyroid test interpreted in the US as hypothyroidism and treated, in the UK would be considered normal and the "diagnosis" CFS/ME and there would be no treatment.

Coeliac disease can also present as fatigue only, but this is not the classic presentation so the doctor does not consider it, does not test for it, and the diagnosis is again CFS/ME.

The Lightning Process is not appropriate for these and other physical stressors that may lead to a diagnosis of CFS/ME.

For further information, please phone me on the ME Help Line, 01347 810841.

Sandra Tomlinson, Chairman York ME Group Huby, York.

* WITH reference to the article on The Lightning Process Friday, January 18.

Sadly, the truth is that ME cannot be treated by psychological therapy of any kind. More than 4,000 studies worldwide have found serious immunological, neurological, endocrinology and cardiac abnormalities in ME patients.

This is also endorsed by Emeritus Professor Malcolm Hooper, who now has put a full report on the internet.

If psychological therapy cures you, you did not have ME in the first place or you were better when you had the therapy.

The One Click Group is launching a High Court bid to challenge the NICE guidelines and good luck to them.

If it wins, it will improve the lives of thousands of us around the country.

Christine Wrightson, Connaught Way, Huntington, York.