A MEMBER of NHS staff is celebrating 50 years of work with the health service in North Yorkshire.

David Wilson has been a firm fixture in the local NHS for the past half century, having nursed at Scarborough and Bridlington hospitals as a ward manager and duty site coordinator.

But, a quiet retirement was never on the cards, with David returning to his nursing vocation to support the national Covid vaccination effort. He has worked as the vaccine service coordinator for the Scarborough Rugby Club vaccination effort during the pandemic.

York Press:

David, 69, said: "I’m really proud to have made my 50-year milestone, the past two years weren’t what I expected when I originally retired, but I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

"I’m honoured to have played my part in the vaccination effort alongside my dedicated and hard-working colleagues."

Sally Brown, clinical managing partner at Haxby Group Scarborough, who ran the Rugby Club vaccination clinic said it has been a "real privilege" working with David.