AT THIS time of year there are lots of people joining gyms for the first time to achieve their New Year's resolutions.

For those beginners, and also the seasoned veterans, here are some essential exercise and fitness tips for before, during and after your workout to give you the best possible chance of achieving your goals.

Before your work-out, make sure you eat a healthy and balanced meal.

If you know your routine will be vigorous, load up on carbohydrates to give you the extra energy you need.

Eat your pre-work-out meal at least an hour before training. Listen to your body and don't push your self too much, especially in the early stages when your body is getting used to something totally different.

Prepare the specific muscles you will need in your activities ahead by warming up and stretching thoroughly. This can include light cardiovascular exercises and some light repetitions of resistance training.

During your work-out, make sure you have plenty of water to hand to replace lost body fluids.

For vigorous routines use sports drinks to replace the lost energy. Use a heart rate monitor to gauge your intensity and progress. For cardiovascular training use the monitor to keep your heart rate at a specific level. For resistance training, use the monitor to see when you have rested enough between sets.

Always perform exercises with good technique to gain the most benefits and to avoid injuries. If you feel any aches or pains, especially in the chest area, adapt your session or stop altogether. Vary your routines and change your whole training programme every four to six weeks to avoid "fitness plateau".

After your session, make sure you cool down gradually at a low intensity.

Eat plenty of protein, especially after a heavy resistance training work-out. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle so your body will need lots of it.

Record your progress and set new challenges as you start to achieve your goals. Remember a rest is as good as a change. It's during the rest period that body repairs itself, making it stronger, ready for the next workout. Include at least one rest day a week.

* Christian Fox is a Personal trainer, Sports massage therapist and nutritional advisor working in and around York. Phone 07711 871170.